Even though it's the first TWC
lesson and the class spent half the time introducing themselves, we
still managed to touch on some interesting topics. From the very
beginning of the session, we defined technology. What is technology?
Technology is the practical application of knowledge, it consists of
almost every field imaginable. Ranging from engineering to education,
from the Large Hadron Collider to the simple wheel. Its advance is
only bounded by human ingenuity. Then the discussion went on to the
readings that most of the class didn't read or didn't dare discuss
since most of the class didn't read. But still, despite that we
covered some interesting ideas.
One such is the relationship
between society's receptivity to foreign cultures, ideas, knowledge
to its prosperity or decline. We've seen examples of some of the most
technologically advance and powerful nations of their times decline
and brought to down to their knees by their less advanced
counterparts. Why? It is argued that being secluded, isolated from
other cultures hinders technological advancements and such
environment itself stifles scientific discovery as their societies
become less receptive towards new ideas and more hostile towards
foreign cultures. Although there might be other reasons for a
nation's stagnation. I've read a book called Why Nations Fail and the
author argues that scientific stagnancy might not wholly be due to
society's fear of change or unreceptive to scientific advancement but
rather the political institute's fear of technology tipping the
balance of power in society, and thus intentionally and actively
cracking down on technological advances and its proponents. One
famous example would be the imprisonment of Galileo Galilei by the
Catholic Church.
Another interesting point
raised was the use of technology. It is only as good or as evil as
the hand wielding it. Scientific discovery brought us the computers,
internet, airplanes and ability walking on the moon, limitless, clean
nuclear energy and marvelous things that we only could dream of mere
decades ago. Technology has made our lives easier, more productive
and more enjoyable than our ancestors. One could argue that
technological advancement is good for society but I think that while
there are tremendous benefits, great technological advancements have
always been followed by great violence and vice versa. Computer was
originally designed to crack Axis codes during WWII. The internet was
originally funded by America's DOD and was clearly ear-marked for
peaceful non-violent purposes. One of the first applications of
airplanes was not meant for transportation of people but bombs. The
greatest leap in aeronautics technology was during a standoff between
two of the most powerful nations the world has ever seen. And then
there is the atomic bomb. History have shown us that we have
exploited technology at every turn. Every time we take two steps
forward, we trip over ourselves and stumble a step back. Humans,
while having incredible potential, are clearly not the nicest bunch.
Overall I have enjoyed my
first TWC session. Hopefully from future sessions I would not only
like to discover how technology changed the world but also how and
more importantly why do such advancements occur. I give the first session 7/10.
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